The light, the place and the moment were the same, but the reality was completely different.
He has the ability to invent what does not exist.

Miquel Liso does not wait for things to happen in front of him, but he pushes forward them. You can follow his steps, use the same cameras, focus on the same cars, shoot at the same time than him and repeat his movements...
Then you go back to the media room, download your photos and to your surprise, you see things in his pictures that have not seen anywhere and realize that he has been able to see what you were never even able to imagine. The light was the same, but a different reality; he has the ability to invent what does not exist, and there are not many photographers in the races that are able to do this.

To enhance it works and unique pieces from Formula 1, the Nozzle 70 downlight has been used. A 2-axis adjustable recessed downlight that offers high lighting performance and a CRI> 90. Available with different optics, two axis of inclination and different finishes.

Several models of luminaires were installed in the working area like LSK 74 modular linear luminaire, the projector Comet 45 to light up the large-format paintings that hang, and finally to highlight architectural elements of the space with indirect light, Light Sticks were used. All controlled by DALI.